5 Star
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Cainer Horoscopes Birth Charts.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter "A Cosmic Union"

On Thursday, May 23, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, joins forces with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, both cosying up in the luxurious sign of Taurus. This cosmic union promises a bountiful and harmonious time, sprinkling your life with love and joy.

Indulge yourself in the simple pleasures that life has to offer - delicious food, soothing massages, and luxurious experiences. Treat yourself to a spa day, embark on a culinary adventure, or surround yourself with beautiful art. By immersing yourself in these sensory delights, you'll find a newfound appreciation for the beauty and richness of life.

Love also, is in the air, and it's time to immerse yourself in its sweet embrace. With Venus conjuncting Jupiter in Taurus, your relationships will flourish as the bonds of love grow stronger. Whether you're in a committed partnership or seeking a new romance, this celestial union will bring warmth, tenderness, and deep emotional connections. Prepare for heartwarming moments, intimate gestures, and a renewed sense of appreciation for those closest to you.

This celestial alignment reminds us that life is a precious gift, and by focusing on love and gratitude, we can create a reality that is truly magical. So, dear reader, let the cosmic dance of love and abundance guide you towards a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and endless possibilities.

And, for a limited time only, you can take advantage of the energy of this Venus Jupiter conjunction with 50% OFF all personal horoscope charts!

Plus... FREE, with Every Order:

A 'Personal Profile' Birth Chart
Can be gifted to a friend or loved one.

3 Free Tarot Readings!

All you need to do is supply your birth details. (It doesn't matter if you don't know your actual time of birth).

(Note: Receiving your Free Gifts: You will see the instructions for retrieving your Free Tarot Readings on your download page after finishing the ordering process.)

Guide to the Future

Your next 12 months in amazing detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you personally. Not what's in store for your sign... but what's in store for you and how you can make the most of every moment.

Personal Profile

A fascinating, in-depth look at what those cosmic forces really did have in mind for you when you first came into the world. Your Moon sign, rising sign, Your love life, your luck, your challenges and your chances. Understand them. Make the most of them! Change your life!

7 Year Life Map

The big, long term astrological influences that are due to affect your personal birth chart over the next 7 years. Discover the cosmic plan and put yourself in a brilliant position to negotiate with fate.

Partnership Profile

What's really going on between you and your partner. How can you maximise the attraction, minimise the friction and really make your unique, special relationship as magical as it has the cosmic potential to be?

Your "AstroLines Profile"

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth with our new 'AstroLines Profile'! Representing your love life, financial prospects, and overall life path as lines moving through time, you'll have a GPS for your soul - guiding you through life's ups and downs. Explore the limitless possibilities of your future. Join us on this cosmic adventure with your 'AstroLines Profile'

Your chart reading will be calculated and delivered online in less than an hour. You will be able to read the many pages of your detailed report via your browser and also as a high-quality downloadable file, for you to keep and enjoy forever.

Plus! Receive a FREE 14 Days 5 Star Membership token, and try out the amazing 5 Star 'Astro-Alerts', with no obligation!

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Show prices in
Guide to the Future
Three Month Guide US$5.95
(usual price US$12.45)
Six Month Guide US$9.95
(usual price US$19.95)
12 Month Guide US$15.45
(usual price US$31.45)
Personal Profile
Personal Profile US$10.95
(usual price US$22.45)
Partnership Profile
Partnership Profile US$12.45
(usual price US$24.95)
7 Year Life Map
7 Year Life Map US$24.95
(usual price US$50.45)
AstroLines Chart - Three Months US$5.95
(usual price US$12.45)
AstroLines Chart - Six Months US$9.45
(usual price US$18.95)
AstroLines Chart - Twelve Months US$15.45
(usual price US$31.45)

(Please enter the first and last names that you would like to appear in your report)
First Name
Confirm Email
Date of Birth Day Month Year
Time of Birth Hour
Minute am/pm (Midnight is 12:00 am, Mid-day is 12:00 pm)
If you only know your birth time approximately please enter your best guess... or if you don't know your time of birth at all, tick here  and we will calculate your chart using sunrise.

Place of Birth (city or town name only)  
Nearest city or town if born in a smaller town or village