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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Horoscope

Sun, 19th May 2024
by Oscar Cainer

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Just because your ruler, Mars, is in your sign doesn't mean you need to keep your foot on the accelerator. Yes, your 'engine' is turbo-charged. But you can set the controls to a comfortable speed. You're making significant progress; you don't need to rush. And if you relax, you'll be able to enjoy what's unfolding. If you take time to appreciate the scenery, you'll see something delightful, that deserves your attention. It involves a relationship development that will make your onward journey much more enjoyable.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections with loved ones. Gather your closest friends or family to share stories, create memories, and savour the warmth of those precious moments. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )








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Aries - Your Weekly Horoscope: You've got so used to dealing with complex situations that you've almost forgotten what leading an easy life feels like. So... get ready! Under this powerful cosmic climate, at least one seriously complicated scenario has the potential to simplify, in a pleasing way. This week brings opportunities to find workable solutions. But to take advantage of them, you need to let go of a frustration. If you reset your expectations, and think positive, you'll discover tangible reasons to be genuinely hopeful about what lies ahead.

Aries - Your May Monthly Horoscope: Who has the time to sit and read their prediction for the month ahead? Certainly not you! You need to get a wiggle on. Run faster. Try harder. Don't you? No! Just because you've got Mars powering through your sign doesn't mean you've got to succumb to the pressure. Don't let yourself be wound up. And don't fall for that trick of telling yourself you've got no time either. Your deadlines in May are more flexible than they look. The more thoughtfully and purposefully you invest your energy, the more you'll get right.

Aries - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Horoscope: You've got so used to dealing with complex situations that you've almost forgotten what leading an easy life feels like. So... get ready! Under this powerful cosmic climate, at least one seriously complicated scenario has the potential to simplify, in a pleasing way. This week brings opportunities to find workable solutions. But to take advantage of them, you need to let go of a frustration. If you reset your expectations, and think positive, you'll discover tangible reasons to be genuinely hopeful about what lies ahead.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections with loved ones. Gather your closest friends or family to share stories, create memories, and savour the warmth of those precious moments. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Aries - Fri May 17, 2024:
The problem with wiping out difficult aspects of our past is that it stops us learning from those experiences. But if we over-focus on them, we can't move on. The weekend brings a chance to change a pattern of behaviour. You can find a way to benefit from a situation that has been working against you. And discover how to profit from a connection that has been problematic. How are you going to do this? You just need to alter your mindset. And under this weekend's auspicious cosmic climate, that's going to be easy-peasy.

Aries - Thu May 16, 2024:
People have been searching for the key to immortality for hundreds of years. But even if someone manages to find it, it's not going to be much use unless they also discover the secret to eternal youth. The thought of living forever with an ever-more-worn-out body doesn't sound appealing. But the thought of endlessly dealing with teenage hormones doesn't appeal either! What we really need is to feel as if we're making the most of our time here. As your ruler links with lucky Jupiter, you can expect to enjoy yourself.

Picture this: You wake up on a sunny morning, and as you step into your kitchen, you're greeted by the irresistible aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sight of a bountiful breakfast spread. That's the energy Venus and Jupiter are bringing into your home. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Aries - Wed May 15, 2024:
If you've ever seen a building being demolished, you'll know how dramatic it is. After the noise of the dynamite there's a pause when the building seems to hang, suspended, before it collapses. I mention this because you're attempting to create a change in your world. And rather frustratingly, it doesn't seem to be having the desired effect. So far, nothing much has happened. Today brings signs and signals that the process has begun. It's not going to be earth-shatteringly. No one but you will notice. But it's going to be good.

Aries - Tue May 14, 2024:
If you don't already know that your ruling planet Mars is in your sign, you're aware of its effects. It explains your energy, your desire, your passion and your stamina. Oh, and that restlessness that's affecting your patience? You can blame that on its presence too! The Roman god of war was named after your ruler; it's associated with success and victory. It brings courage, but it also makes us aware of the need to be courageous. You might have to dig deep to find the courage you need today. But if you do that, you'll succeed.

Under the upcoming Venus, Jupiter alignment, it's time to embrace the finer things in life. Spruce up your living space with luxurious touches like soft velvet pillows, scented candles, and fresh flowers to create a haven of serenity and clarity. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Aries - Mon May 13, 2024:
Everything happens for a reason. Even if we don't know what the reason is, if we trust that when things seem to be going pear-shaped, they're going pear-shaped for a good reason, we can cope with whatever life brings our way. Don't panic! You don't need to prepare for a series of unfortunate events! If you look for hidden blessings today, you'll find plenty to be glad about. That frustrating situation you're dealing with? If you stop feeling irritated and look for positives, you'll find a better way of dealing with it.

Aries: - Sun May 12, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: I've got a feeling that the last thing you want your forecast to talk about is the potential for adventure. You're feeling a bit... well... maxed out. You'd prefer to hear that the week is due to be calm and predictable. Hmmm... although moments of calm and simplicity are possible, with Mars still powering through your sign, you'll have to make a real effort to seize them! It's going to be hard to avoid the action-packed scenarios coming your way. But since they hold the potential to improve your relationship world, my advice is to 'go for it'.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections with loved ones. Gather your closest friends or family to share stories, create memories, and savour the warmth of those precious moments. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Aries - Sat May 11, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: You're feeling energised and galvanised. If there are rules that need to be broken, you're ready. If there are conventions that deserve to be questioned, you're on the case. Yet there are some forces that can't be pushed. And although your ruler's presence in your sign is giving you strength, you're not a superhero. Be mindful about boundaries and barriers this week. Invest your energy where it will be most effective. As long as you try your best, and do whatever you can, you'll manage to do more than you think possible.

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